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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Few of most common questions are already answered for your ready support

We Are Here To Assist You

Its not necessary to buy a domain name to hire a plan. You can work with your provider or transfer the domain to us.

Master Reseller Hosting plans are similar to Reseller Hosting plans. The difference is that with Master Reseller Hosting plans you can also sell Reseller accounts and cPanel accounts (Hosting). With our Master Reseller Hosting plans you can create your own multilevel reseller network easily as possible.

If in our FAQ section you have not found the necessary answers to your questions, please open a ticket in the following link and we will answer you as soon as possible:

Our uptime is 99.9%.

We have multiple levels of security, filters, antivirus and specific firewalls against all types of attacks, intrusion attempts or DDoS attacks.

The servers are located in USA Canada UK and Germany (Europe).

All our Hosting and Reselle services are fully compatible with CloudFlare.

iHostAt offers Free SSL certificates are for you and all your customers, with no limits on domains and subdomains

With WHITE LABEL we mean that the name iHostAt will not appear anywhere. Your customers will not know that you are a reseller of our services. You will be able to work with your own brand and create your business with total security.

We offer 7 days money back gaurantee for any Reseller services except any Addons that purhased or included free in the package i.e dedicated IP/WHMCS license/premium support

The payment methods are as follows:
-- Through Stripe: with credit/debit cards from major companies Visa and MasterCard
-- By bank transfer to USA UK AND PAKISTAN bank Accounts.
If payments are made by bank transfer the activation of the service may be delayed until we receive the payment.

You can configure and customize 100% of the cPanel packages and accounts you create. If you want to restrict any cPanel package or account by any feature or resource you can do it without any problem from the configuration available at WHM.

You can change your plan at any time.

You can get a domain reseller account through WHMCS. Once you have installed WHMCS, you will be able to access the domain registrar module and select the provider you want to work with.

You can setup your plan with our extensive guide by clicking HERE.

The activation of the plans is done once we receive the payment for the contracted service.

All services offered by iHostAt can only be used for lawful purposes. It is not allowed to host pornography under any circumstances, copyrighted content, video files or any other type of content that violates our terms of service.

You can modify the nameservers of your domain from the management control panel of your domain provider.

If in our FAQ section you have not found the necessary answers to your questions, please open a ticket in the following link and we will answer you as soon as possible:

Yes, you can upgrade your reseller account anytime. All upgrades are carried out on a prorated basis - the upgrade price is calculated based on the unused period of your current plan. Before requesting the upgrade, we strongly recommend you contact our HelpDesk so our technicians can advise you on the best upgrade option.

You will be making money from your online reselling business by receiving the difference in the amount you pay us and the amount your clients pay. It is completely up to you to decide on the prices and fees for the services you will be offering.

You as a hosting reseller are to provide first-line and basic support to your clients. However, sometimes you might face situations when you do not have sufficient server access to check and investigate this issue. Here is when we will step in for you - get in touch with us at our HelpDesk and our technicians will do their best to help.

Once your hosting account is activated, you can go ahead and start setting up your reseller business. There are two main stages - backend setup (creating packages, setting up the billing platform, defining configuration of the new accounts, etc.) and frontend setup - building a website where people can buy services from you. Should you have any questions, our Helpdesk agents will be happy to help.

Reseller Hosting plans are similar to Reseller Hosting plans. The difference is that with Reseller Hosting plans you can also sell cPanel accounts (Hosting). With our Reseller Hosting plans you can sell Hosting plans in the easiest way possible.

Your clients will not find any iHostAt logo or reference to our company in their hosting accounts.

When you purchase an account with a web host, one of our services you receive is a certain number of dedicated email accounts based on your plan for any domain hosted on that account. You can create unlimited email accounts with our Premium Plan. Those email accounts are managed from the control panel of the web host and you can set up email accounts, change their passwords, and set up email forwarders, all from that control panel. You can also set up a dedicated email account to send from a web-based email service like gMail or an offline service like Outlook.

You can – and should! – back up your website regularly. In the control panel, there is a Backup function, and with one click, you can save all your files. You also have an option to setup auto site backup using Softaculous

Our servers are using multiple layer security security system and protect with Imunify360. In short your website will be 100% secure in safe hands.

This is an abbreviation for Secure Sockets Layer. This is a common protocol used to communicate information securely online. This protocol provides a safe path that runs between two Internet-connected machines or two machines on the same internal network. It is an extremely handy tool used by web browsers who need to connect securely to a web server, given the wild insecurity inherent in the Internet. SSL usually operates and sets up a secure session with little or no interaction from the person actually visiting the web site. You may notice the browser displaying a padlock or the address showing a padlock and a green bar – those are the hallmarks of SSL doing its magic.

You can find out how many people visited your site through a number of different third party resources, such as Google Analytics or StatCounter. Some hosts provide easy ways to incorporate these tools into your website to start tracking, but some don’t give you any help in setup at all. It’s important that businesses install some sort of traffic counting tool on every page of a site and regularly decipher the data to make improvements to marketing and sales plans. For personal websites, traffic counters are merely tools of curiosity, but the numbers certainly are fun to keep an eye on!

Disk space refers to the total space available for a user to store files on at any time. Files may be any type - HTML, images, videos – and at any single given time, the total file size may not exceed the disk space. How much disk space you need is dependent on what type of media and interactions you’ll be hosting through your site. Your email account’s storage is also counted in disk space, so if you have large files that will sit in the account, that will boost your disk space needs. Remember that although you might not need much space now, you want wiggle room to expand and grow in the future, without switching hosts.

Bandwidth is the amount of data that is accessed while viewing a website. Every time a user views a website, data is transferred, and the measurement of that transfer is bandwidth. In general, images, audio files and video files are higher in bandwidth than text. That means that if you have a more burdensome website in terms of bandwidth – if you have lots of video or streaming audio, for example – you have a higher bandwidth requirement than someone with a simple text-only website, or someone with only a few low-resolution images. Some web hosts offer unlimited bandwidth, and some place a cap on it.

A domain name is the actual name of a website, and every single website has a domain name. To obtain one, you need to purchase it. Domains can cost anywhere from a few dollars a year to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, based on the contract and popularity of the domain. Every domain name is actually pointing to an IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is a series of numbers. Because most people can’t remember 10 digits in perfect order, domain names serve as easily-remembered alias for visitors. Probably the best known domain name is google.com, and Google’s IP address is… which is easier for you to remember?

A shared web hosting service is an agreement whereby each user gets a certain portion of total available resources. Multiple domains are hosted by the same server, which means that the server’s capabilities are split between multiple domains. This means that these websites will not experience as robust of performance as a website that has a dedicated server applying all of its resources solely to one website. If requests come in for multiple websites on the same server simultaneously, the server will only be able to transfer so much information at a single time. For low-bandwidth websites, the delays will often be unnoticeable, but for more burdensome websites, the delay can be significant.

Web hosting is the service of storing data that keeps websites up and running for users. Every single website that is online has a host server, and almost all use a web host to manage that storage. Not all web hosts provide the same level of quality, though. Uptime, and data speed and quantity of transfer are the best measures of a host’s success. You can often pay more to get data transferred in higher quantities, faster. Most web hosts offer unlimited bandwidth and disk space at a speed that is perfectly fine for small-to-moderate sized businesses or individuals. For companies with burdensome websites, they may need to seek out a more advanced web host.

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that you can use to power your website on your own hosting plan. WordPress makes creating a blog, landing page, online store, forum or other website possible for users around the world.

WordPress itself is a free, open-source web software but to use it you will need to invest in a web hosting plan. we recommend spending a bit more on a managed WordPress hosting plan to make setting up and maintaining your website easy.

Maybe! Currently there are 169 locale WordPress translations available, with 10 of them at 100% up to date. Just visit the WordPress Polyglots page to check for your language or to even contribute to the translation process.

Absolutely not! Most WordPress users are not developers since there’s no need to learn complicated CSS or PHP when there are plenty of feature rich themes and plugins to make changing your website easier.

WordPress can be installed manually using their 5-minute installation process, but we made this much easier if you choose our Wordpress PRO Plus shared hosting plan. We offer automated setup and you don’t have to do anything at all – WordPress is already pre-installed for you.